Digital Radiographs (X-Rays)

We always use digital radiographs and x-rays. This digital technology not only allows us to have more information for diagnostic needs, but our patients are exposed to 90 percent less radiation than traditional x-rays. We can quickly and easily compare your most recent images to those taken months or years ago to spot changes in your dental health. The table below compares dental radiographs and x-rays to those used in other medical treatments. The average person in the U.S. is exposed to about 360 mrem per year just from background sources. Background radiation comes from outer space, the earth, natural materials (including natural foods) and even other people.

It would take twenty full series of radiographs and x-rays to equal the amount of radiation the average citizen picks up from background sources each year.

Dental radiographs exposure: (mSV)
Bitewings (7 films)
Full mouth series (18 films)
Panorex (panoramic jaw film)
Medical radiographs exposure: (mSV)
Lower GI Series
Upper GI Series
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